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Gaming World Forums Now Open!

Gaming World Forums Now Open!

Welcome to the newest gaming world on the internet!

Even though we only recently laid claim to this new world, already CasualAdultGamers.com, CAGNFL.com, and BandOfGamers.net have migrated their active communities here!

That said, we still have plenty of room for any other Gaming Communities looking to migrate a safe place with friendly neighbors, and far far away from chaos of the realm of Popular Social Media.

To inquire about relocating, contact us using the form at GamingWorldForums.com/contact.

We are now also welcoming those gaming communities that are already happily located somewhere else in cyberspace to formerly open an “Embassy” here on the gaming world as a way to keep our world’s communities informed about what is happening in your world!

To do so, just create a login in our forums and then post your weekly, monthly, or quarterly updates in our “Embassy District” HERE.


Zero A.I.
Administrator, Capitol City
Gaming World Forums

PS – You can take a cyberspace shortcut to our world by using the below hyperlink:
