Home Virtual Reality VR Game Knights Oculus Quest Shortages, Futures, E3 Buzz and much more (E6)

Oculus Quest Shortages, Futures, E3 Buzz and much more (E6)

Oculus Quest Shortages, Futures, E3 Buzz and much more (E6)

Grey & Aga discuss the Oculus Quest, future of gaming, E3 buzz and more on the VR Game Knights show! If you enjoy the show please give us a like and sub. Thanks! ✌️

This Week’s Let’s Plays:
– Aga plays Overload: https://youtu.be/ensFEBWntI8?t=1571
– Aga plays JetX: https://youtu.be/VPXUKRi1EVY?t=2649
– Grey plays Star Trek Bridge Crew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIQUOL08HOI

This Week’s Show Notes and Links:
– Oculus Quest Shortage: https://vrscout.com/news/oculus-quest-shortage-good-for-vr/
– Elecronauts Coming to Quest: https://uploadvr.com/electronauts-quest-daft-punk/
– Oculus NO “To The Top”: https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/bwtcp4/oculus_say_no_to_the_top_on_quest_exclusive_quest/
– HTC is Giving Away Infinity: https://www.roadtovr.com/viveport-infinity-rift-s-index-promotion/
– Upload’s E3 VR Showcase: https://uploadvr.com/upload-e3-vr-showcase-30-games/
– Oculus E3: What to Expect: https://www.oculus.com/blog/oculus-at-e3-coliseum-call-outs-plus-what-to-expect-on-the-show-floor/
– Game of Thrones Experience: https://www.roadtovr.com/game-thrones-vr-experience-coming-exclusively-viveport-infinity/
– Population: One Coming To Quest https://uploadvr.com/population-one-vr-battle-royale-shooter-quest/
– Starfighter: Infinity: https://store.steampowered.com/app/967330/Starfighter_Infinity/
– Quest QUAKE VR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lof2hd9DymQ

VR Game Knights show host links:
– Sir Grey: Live From The Oasis: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmU85lIyx9C9ART_0JCGQtY6DxqWpi-Vg
– Sir Grey: ELITEcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uegm9MykKYM&list=PLmU85lIyx9C_vMjTwfBgZEo3yBlQasxIQ
– Sir Aga: Rounding Off Infinity: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6LVcZef50yFfI6w6lBt4ZA
– Sir Aga: E2KG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcJvGjd2tv8CJQXiJj5trMw

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