Home Virtual Reality VR Game Knights Vive Cosmos Specs Revealed! Windows Mixed Reality Out Of Stock? (E9)

Vive Cosmos Specs Revealed! Windows Mixed Reality Out Of Stock? (E9)

Vive Cosmos Specs Revealed! Windows Mixed Reality Out Of Stock? (E9)

Vive Cosmos specs revealed! Windows Mixed Reality out of stock everywhere? Oculus Quest seeing “console like” adoption? Sir Grey and Sir Aga discuss it all this week on the VR Game Knights show! If you enjoy the show please give us a like and sub. Thanks! ✌️

Grey guest stars on E2KG’s 100th Episode:

This Week’s Show Notes and Links:
– Vive Cosmos New Design: https://www.roadtovr.com/htc-vive-cosmos-redesign/
– Vive Cosmos Resolution: https://www.roadtovr.com/htc-vive-cosmos-resolution-refresh-rate-lens/
– WMR Discontinued? https://www.roadtovr.com/windows-vr-headsets-vanish-microsoft-store-limited-stock-discontinued/
– Oculus Quest ‘Console-Like Usage’”: https://vrscout.com/news/oculus-quest-console-like-usage/
– Defector, July 11th, $20: https://uploadvr.com/defector-spy-thriller-july-release/
– Liv mixed reality w/o cam: https://uploadvr.com/mixed-reality-software-liv-gets-avatars/

This Week’s Let’s Plays:
– Grey plays Trickster VR Co-op: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wP5Yhn6gMo

VR Game Knights show host links:
– Sir Grey: Live From The Oasis: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmU85lIyx9C9ART_0JCGQtY6DxqWpi-Vg
– Sir Grey: ELITEcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uegm9MykKYM&list=PLmU85lIyx9C_vMjTwfBgZEo3yBlQasxIQ
– Sir Aga: Rounding Off Infinity: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6LVcZef50yFfI6w6lBt4ZA
– Sir Aga: E2KG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcJvGjd2tv8CJQXiJj5trMw

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