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“Xbox Record That!” : A Casual Gamer’s Ego Boost

“Xbox Record That!” : A Casual Gamer’s Ego Boost

Recording game clips with “Xbox Record That”‘ helps me to celebrate and share my small video game victories.  It’s one of my favorite features of the Xbox One.

I am the very definition of a casual gamer.  I’ve got four kids, a full time job, and way too many hobbies to support with limited funds and time.  However, I love to play video games, and I really like multiplayer first-person-shooters.  The problem is, being the cover model for casual gaming doesn’t get you very far on the leaderboard.  As a matter of fact, I’m usually at the bottom.

With my limited time, I’ve come to accept that I will never be the best Call of  Duty, Battlefield,  or Halo player.  I just don’t have the time to play enough to be very competitive.  However, I still love to play despite my incredibly low kill/death ratio.  While it once bothered me that I’m often the worst player in the lobby, I’ve  learned to accept my casualness and celebrate the small victories such as headshoting the level 26 hunter from across the map in Destiny, or taking out 3 enemies and capping a domination point solo in Call of a Duty.  These moments are similar to the one  good shot on a bad day of golf that keep me hooked and keep me playing.

While those moments may be few and far between, I can save them forever with a quick command of “Xbox, Record That!”  Since getting an Xbox One a few months ago, I have really come to appreciate the game recording functionality.  I’m not really interested in recording anything for YouTube, but I do like capturing quick clips so celebrate when I do something particularly well in a game.  I can then share those clips to my activity feed, where my friends can comment or “like” the clip.  Using the Smartglass app on my Android phone or my iPad, I can watch my recorded clips as well.  After having  a round of bad games, it’s often nice to revisit those clips to remember that while I’m usually well below mediocre on the online battlefield, I have had moments of greatness, and I’ve got the video to prove it.

How have you used game clips in your casual gaming?  Do you comment on videos that your friends share, or have you put together some awesome montages on your Xbox?  Leave a comment and let us know your tips.